收聽 Teachers' Day 的英文及紹 (by Teacher Maeve)
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True or False: Listen to the audio, read the statements below carefully and answer with true or false.
Taiwan’s Teachers’ Day is September 30th.
Teacher’s Day is Confucius’s birthday.
Teachers’ Day in the US is May 6th.
In the US, students gave teachers bananas.
Students teach on Teachers’ Day in Estonia (愛沙尼亞).
收聽Moon Festival的英文及紹 (by Teacher Rica)
回答Moon Festival 的問題
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請點選連結回答問題 https://forms.gle/3hSJ1UsNwPXetDZR8
Direction: Listen carefully to the audio recording then read these statements and answer it with TRUE or FALSE.
The Moon Festival is also named as the Mid-Autumn Festival.
The Moon Festival usually happens when the moon is small and dark.
People celebrate the Moon Festival by eating noodles.
The Moon Festival is a time to remember the stories of Chang-o, the moon goddess, and the Jade Rabbit.
This year, the Moon Festival is celebrated on September 27.