School Anniversary 校慶篇
The guests sign their names on the guestbook. 來賓在簽到簿上面簽名。
The volunteers help guests find where to sign their names. 志工幫助來賓尋找簽名的地方。
Mingli Elementary School celebrated its 80th anniversary with running races and games. 明禮國小以賽跑與趣味競賽慶祝八十週年校慶。
To mark the school's anniversary, the principal invited a lot of guests to the school. 為紀念學校校慶,校長邀請很多來賓到校。
Students' parents participate in the fun tire-pushing game on the school's sports day. 學生家長在學校運動會中參加有趣的滾輪胎比賽。
In the tire-pushing game, it's hard to control the tire. 在滾輪胎比賽中,控制輪胎很困難。
The lady is showing the students how to perform a tea ceremony. 這位女士正在為學生示範茶道。
The students are sipping hot tea at the tea ceremony. 同學們在茶道會場中品嚐熱茶。
The winners of the running races get a prize at the award presentation. 在頒獎典禮中,賽跑得勝者得到獎品。
The award presentation is held at the end of the school's sports day. 頒獎典禮在學校運動會結束時進行。
There is an exhibit in the school's auditorium. 學校禮堂有ㄧ個展覽。
The exhibit features students' artwork and writing. 這個展覽的內容是學生的藝術作品與文章。
Students get their hearts pumping with a dance exercise at the start of the school's sports day. 學校運動會當天一開始,學生做健康操加速心跳。
The dance exercise is a good warm-up. 健康操是很好的暖身運動。
In the relay race, students pass their batons to the next runners. 在接力賽中,同學們把接力棒遞給下一棒。
The relay race is a very exciting event. 接力賽是一項非常刺激的比賽。
Get ready to test your speed in the 100 meter dash. 準備好在一百公尺賽跑中測試你的速度。
The students try to run as fast as they can in the 100 meter dash. 同學們在一百公尺賽跑中盡全速跑步。
Students are dancing together to music. 同學們隨著音樂節拍跳舞。
Pom-poms are fun to shake while you dance. 跳舞時揮舞彩球很好玩。
The teacher shows her students how to pass the baton to the next runner. 老師為學生示範如何將接力棒傳給下一棒。
The runners practice passing the baton before their relay race. 選手在接力賽之前練習傳遞接力棒。
The students have a rehearsal for their sports day later. 同學們為即將到來的運動會排練。
The students practice their dance at the rehearsal. 同學們在排練跳舞。